Environmental Policy

Chelmsford Motor Club is accredited to Motorsport UK’s FIA accredited Environmental Management System (EMS) framework and has implemented sustainability practices on this and future events. The club’s commitment has been recognised by Motorsport UK with the granting of its sustainability accreditation and was one of the first clubs to achieve this.

Chelmsford Motor Club is committed to protecting the local and global environment by conducting its activities in a way which provides for a sustainable future for our sport, without unnecessary compromise of the environment.

The club will organise itself and review its actions, behaviours, and the way it runs its events to ensure it remains consistent with this commitment.  The club will strive to continuously improve the way in which it evaluates and minimises environmental impacts and promotes sustainability.

These include an objective for carbon neutral which will be achieved through a donation from entry fees to a verified carbon enhancement scheme for this rally.  Other actions include selection of suppliers and where the club needs to buy products, having their environmental credentials as a key part of those buying decisions.

We ask all Competitors to bear this policy mind as they plan for and participate in the Rally.